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Lectio Divina - Abbreviations and Introduction
Lectio Divina - Abbreviations and Introduction
by SPCK - Enzo Bianchi
Abbreviations and Introduction With these few elementary notes on lectio divina, we hope to have provided readers with an opportunity to renew or develop a taste for a way of reading Scripture which is as old as the church itself, and which has deep roots in Judaism. I don’t thin
We come, O God, to celebrate
We come, O God, to celebrate
by Jacqui Horton
We come, O God, to celebrate, our hearts and voices raise; For all the ways the Spirit works, we give you thanks and praise. We come, O God, to celebrate the preacher’s noble art; The opening of Your Word today to move the listening heart. We come, O God, to celebrate the preachi
It was a new beginning on the day the Spirit came
It was a new beginning on the day the Spirit came
by Marjorie Dobson
It was a new beginning on the day the Spirit came. The house was filled with roaring wind and heads were touched by flame. Their lips were blessed with languages that all could understand and Peter led the charge into this new uncharted land It was a revelation when the doors wer
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